Project Details
2018 – 2019
Project Briefing
GreenLight was contracted to carry out a feasibility study for the processing of cotton residue into energy using gasification technology. The cotton waste is to be transformed into biomass pellets in JFS smallholder based cotton plantations in Niassa Province, Northern Mozambique.
The core activities carried out by GreenLight include:
– A baseline study for the availability of feedstock in farmer fields which includes yields per hectare of dry cotton residue;
– The socioeconomic baseline study of smallholder farmers which includes market willingness to sell cotton residue to the project;
– Analysis of biomass feedstock specifications including laboratory tests focusing on calorific value, humidity index, ash content, and parameters;
– Analysis of operational logistics and economic feasibility for developing pellet supply value chain and processing facility;
– Supply model analysis and technological assessment including cost-benefit analysis for pelleting technology;
– Market analysis for the use of pellets as a household cooking energy source as well as feedstock for gasifier based energy generation.