Project Details
Project Briefing
The solar energy market in Mozambique is one of the least developed in the region due to several market barriers. By identifying these barriers and creatively addressing them or mitigating them can facilitate market entry. The rural energy shop pilot project developed by GreenLight and supported by GIZ has simulated in real terms the import, distribution, and retail of small solar systems in Northern Mozambique. The project has supported local entrepreneurs to be formal retailers of solar home systems in the villages of Quirinde, Quionga, and Palma town in Cabo Delgado province. Several end-user payment modalities have been tested as well as a range of marketing strategies targeting the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) customers. Over 1500 Solar systems have been sold through this initiative during the pilot. The local entrepreneurs continue to this date with the retail of solar home systems. The lessons learned from this pilot will allow private companies to better structure their business plans to match the local market conditions in Mozambique.