Project Details
2014 -2016
Belgian Ministry of Environment
Project Briefing
Charcoal is used as daily cooking fuel by more than 75% of urban households in Mozambique. The mass reliance on this biomass fuel is putting heavy pressure on the countries natural forests.
The project’s aim was to develop a charcoal value chain analysis and sustainable charcoal production feasibility study for the Gaza province of Mozambique.
The following components were carried by GreenLight:
– Development of a business plan for sustainable charcoal production and wholesale venture in Gaza province of Mozambique;
– Baseline study for the production, transport, and retail of conventional charcoal in the region (market study and assessment of current charcoal value chain) was undertaken in the Provinces of Maputo and Gaza;
– Feasibility study focusing on economic viability;
– Feedstock supply dynamics (plantation, out-grower, and community supply models);
– Efficient carbonization technology assessment;
– Political and regulatory framework (licensing, incentives, legislation);
– Logistical analysis (transport, storage);
– Wholesale/retail models;
The project has been successful in applying the study into a pilot project with charcoal producers in the communities of Mabalane and Combomune (Gaza province) and developing the country’s first Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) for the charcoal sector.